Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heart Doctor

We went back to the heart doctor to see if the flap that was open on her heart had closed on its own and thankfully it had. A new problem was found though, again actually. The doctor originally found it when she was in the NICU but didn't see it for some reason on our first office visit when she was a couple weeks old. Today he did see it. She has a condition called ductus arteriosus. I'm not even going to try to explain should work well for you. It explains it nicely. Unfortunately, this usually affects premie girls so Brystol has a double whammie she was 6 weeks early and a girl! This condition may correct itself but the doctor said it was unlikely. Nothing can be done until she's 3 years old but we'll go back in a year to check things out. As always, our little lady was good as gold through both tests!

Our always smiling, happy 8 month old little lady!

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