Sunday, February 27, 2011

First Walk

Valentine's Day

1st Doctor Visit

Brystol had her first pediatrician and chiropractor appointment shortly after her release from the hospital.
She has actually already grown out of this outfit!

Let the picture taking begin : )

Cutting off our ID bracelets. They were put on immediately after her birth and we couldn't remove them (even ours) until she was released from the hospital. Then we waited one week from then...I guess we wanted to make sure she was staying with us : )

Brystol Comes Home

Baby Brystol Joins Us

Brystol joined us 6 weeks early on January 26, 2011. I had pre-clampsia and hyper tension and my doctor decided it was time to deliver for the safety of her and I. My mom and Roman were there for her delivery at 3:39pm. Because Brystol was early she was placed in the NICU for 10 days. Those were some long days!Luckily, Brystol was very healthy. She did have a feeding tube for a few hours until she pulled it out. They decided she was fine and didn't put it back in. She also had to be under the "blue lights" for jaundice. At birth she weighed 5lbs. 4oz.

Heart in her ear....that is how Roman identified our baby girl

Grandma Paulette

Papa Sackrider

Reading her first book Goodnight Moon...every childs favorite!

A wonderful lady in the NICU makes a name card for every baby that comes in.

Movie star sun glasses : )

Kangaroo care!

Car seat test....she had to sit in her car seat for 90 minutes to see if she had any breathing problems. She did fine!

She didn't like this feeding tube and yanked it out.

Finally, some clothes on the little lady. Her first outfit from home.

First born!

Daddy is hooked already!

Grandma Shari

Feeding my baby girl