Friday, December 9, 2011

December happenings...

Time to lower the crib

R teased that this was our Christmas tree

A cloth nativity....right up B's alley right now!

Sweet Baby Brystol!

Yep, she still fits. It had been months since we put her in this while we brought the tree in.

Ethel M's

Christmas Time...the parade

First, I'm annoyed that this program keeps turning all my pictures sideways! I bought Brystol this cute hat at the craft fair...hand knitted, on the same day as the parade. With the hat and all the bundles I made her so warm and cozy that she slept from 4:30-8, missing the entire parade (I think she had a 5 minute spell where she woke up and wanted up in my lap. I did that and she went right back to sleep). Oh well.

Lights Up

I bundled Brystol all up to go out and help Roman put the lights up. She didn't enjoy the gloves
and would keep flicking her hands until she got them off.

Just a cute shot of B and daddy

We thought it was cute that she had her little legs crossed

So Thankful!

We are so thankful this and every year for the many blessings we have. Brystol just so happens to be the greatest blessing EVER! Our Thanksgiving was spent in Albuquerque with Roman's family. 

Sorry Sam, I don't know why the picture is sideways...not the way I put it in.