Monday, July 2, 2012

Father's Day 2012

Walking-16 Months

Shark Reef

So proud! She can get in and out without help. She loves to get up in the chair, have me hand her her blanket, bracelet and doll then she shoves everything to the floor and starts all over. Right now she actually has a huge bruise on the side of her head from taking a tumble out of the rocking share and hitting the crib. Oops!

This picture was taken June 8th, the same day she began walking.

She can sit up on her own but this bumbo chair has been a source of interest for her. She can get in and out of it (which is interesting to watch!. She leans to the side rolls over and eventually it comes off. One time it didn't so she waddled around with the big green bumbo on her butt and continued playing!). I spend my days watching her.....if you want great entertainment just watch a one year old!

Roman calls this the karate outfit?!

Ahhh, the binky is gone and at this point it had been for a week but I just wanted to see what she would do if I gave her one. She bolted from me, got her doll, bracelet, and blanket and cuddled up in front of the mirrors and didn't move for over a half hour. That broke my heart. Eventually she wanted breakfast so dumped the binky. That went well. I immediately put it in the trash so I wouldn't be tempted by anymore of my little investigations.

B's destruction!

I can do it by myself!

She stand and walks with her hands behind her darn cute!

Trouble maker!

She loves reading! Thanks Nannie!