Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Heart Doctor

We went back to the heart doctor to see if the flap that was open on her heart had closed on its own and thankfully it had. A new problem was found though, again actually. The doctor originally found it when she was in the NICU but didn't see it for some reason on our first office visit when she was a couple weeks old. Today he did see it. She has a condition called ductus arteriosus. I'm not even going to try to explain should work well for you. It explains it nicely. Unfortunately, this usually affects premie girls so Brystol has a double whammie she was 6 weeks early and a girl! This condition may correct itself but the doctor said it was unlikely. Nothing can be done until she's 3 years old but we'll go back in a year to check things out. As always, our little lady was good as gold through both tests!

Our always smiling, happy 8 month old little lady!

8 Months......already?!?!

Snoozin' Brystol style!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Our 7 month little lady...

Oh the predicaments we get ourselves into....

Finally building her crib!

B's first time in her new fancy bed. It's so nice that I'd like to sleep in it!

And NO, this is not her room as I had planned and pictured in my head.
This is OUR room turned into her room. Crazy I know.

So serious....she loves playing with this. I show her how something
works and then she practices and learns.

Sick day......found out she has croup

Sitting up big girl. Right after this picture she tipped over and bonked her head.
She does pretty good but is a little tipsy still.

Lil'B in the big chair

My attempt to scrapbook with my little lady. Um, it didn't pan out so well.

I went to the grocery store and on my way back I found daddy and B
out for a walk. It was her first time in this little stroller. She loved it!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Steam Train

On another of our Washington outings we rode a steam train in Chehalis. It was a peaceful ride out into the greeness : ) My parents, sister, and nephew Jax and niece Leiton joined us.

One of my all time favorite pics of papa and Jax

Monday, September 5, 2011

Check up...

At her 6 month check up she was almost 26 inches and weighed 15lbs 2oz.

Here she is a couple days after turning 7 months. She is really always this smiley! Maybe a future pianist from this picture.

Mt. Rainier

A beautiful day to drive up to Mt. Rainier. It is less than two hours from my parents. There is so much to do there and so close.
No explanation needed

Lil' B, me and mom and dad

Pics from trip to WA

Meeting Great Grandma Bertha

I guess she ate too much

I used to babysit Nikki and now she has two kids of her own.

Brystol and I with Nikki and her daughter Caysa

Grandma Candy with Lil'B

My mom made this crib for me when I was a baby. Brystol slept here on our Washington trip.

Cousins 4 Life

The little ladies, Brystol 6 months and Leiton 4 months, get along great. They liked to check each other out and grab at each other.

Grays Harbor County Fair

One day while up in WA we went to the county fair (a favorite of mine when growing up!). In the end there was Grandma, all 7 of her grandchildren-Blake 8th grade, Bret 6th grade, Jalyn 4th grade, Jenessa 3 1/2, Jax almost 3, Brystol 6 months and Leiton almost 4 months, and Roman and I. We all had a great time!
Jalyn and Roman on the ferris wheel! Hi you two!

7 Years and a Baby!

August 6th, we celebrated 7 years of marriage. What better way to spend it than with our ray of sunshine, Lil'B, catching a bite to eat at New York New York and seeing the lights of Vegas.