Friday, April 8, 2011

Mommy and Brystol

Roman has been working a lot so I took it upon myself to get the tripod out and take some pictures of Brystol and I. As I do this blog, I realize that there aren't many pictures of her and I. When I started scrapbooking I always told myself that when I had children, I was not going to just be the picture taker and get in some of the pictures. Not that I want to look at myself, I want Brystol to look back and see herself with her mom. I think that is important. Today Brystol is 10 weeks and 2 days old. I can't fit her into to many of the newborn clothes. She had this sweet cherry outfit complete with pink pants to match. However, when I put it on, hmm TRIED to put it on, I quickly realized that the pink pants weren't going to fit and the onsie was a little snug. But it was so cute. I grabbed some jeans (her first time in jeans!) and it worked. Yes, the little hoodie is cute, but I soon learned as I put her in the carseat that it wasn't practical. She had to wear the hood because it was to bulky to put it behind her. I think she was a little toasty all day. She pooped real good while we were out at the child consignment shop so she's now in a more "relaxing" outfit.

Octo-Pirate Showdown

We call this "thing" the Octo-Pirate because it is a very colorful octopus/pirate dude. Brystol and Octo-Pirate had a serious staredown the other night. It was so cute!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Caesar's Palace

Fish tanks.....Roman and I love them and there are plenty of them here in Vegas to check out. One of our favorites is the one in Caesar's Palace. The Cheesecake Factory is right next to it so we couldn't show Lil'B the fish tank and not eat there...YUMMY!

Friday, April 1, 2011

No April Fools....she's OURS!!

Papoose time...she loves it!

Still loves her baths...lucky us!

Tummy time is going good. She can turn her head both ways and follows our voices. She's also grabbing for things, follows our eyes and loves music.

Daddy says this is her first fort.

First time in a dress, although I think she's a little to tall for it. She only has a few newborn clothes left that fit.  Right after I put her in this she pooped massive and wouldn't stop crying. Maybe she's not a dress wearing kinda gal.

1st Road Trip

We took Brystol on her first road trip to Lake Havasu, Arizona. This trip actually took her to California and Arizona but we didn't stop for the California sign. I don't know why. Roman found a truck for us down there so we went down to pick it up. She slept the whole way there and back and was just so good.