Friday, April 8, 2011

Mommy and Brystol

Roman has been working a lot so I took it upon myself to get the tripod out and take some pictures of Brystol and I. As I do this blog, I realize that there aren't many pictures of her and I. When I started scrapbooking I always told myself that when I had children, I was not going to just be the picture taker and get in some of the pictures. Not that I want to look at myself, I want Brystol to look back and see herself with her mom. I think that is important. Today Brystol is 10 weeks and 2 days old. I can't fit her into to many of the newborn clothes. She had this sweet cherry outfit complete with pink pants to match. However, when I put it on, hmm TRIED to put it on, I quickly realized that the pink pants weren't going to fit and the onsie was a little snug. But it was so cute. I grabbed some jeans (her first time in jeans!) and it worked. Yes, the little hoodie is cute, but I soon learned as I put her in the carseat that it wasn't practical. She had to wear the hood because it was to bulky to put it behind her. I think she was a little toasty all day. She pooped real good while we were out at the child consignment shop so she's now in a more "relaxing" outfit.

1 comment:

  1. She is absolutely beautiful. I can;t wait to get back to BC to hold her! xo Aunt Gretchen
