Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Brystol's Room

Roman's way of hanging...

She put her little hands up to pose like this....so cute!

Playing with the fun book that my mom
made for us when we were kids!

Brystol loves to go in her room and play. There are lots of books down low
that are just right for her. She also likes to pull hats out of their bins
and she has a bin full of stuffed animals that she likes to throw around.

Curtains rehung...my way and the room is really coming together.

Just what fathers do I guess...

Nothing can be said about this picture...it speaks volumes on its own!

And so does this one : )

He loves her like crazy though and that is all that matters!!!

Tired Little Lady

Snoozing in HER bed in HER room!

Note to self....always look behind you!

Get this thing OFF of me!!!

On a little walk at Red Rock

This is what you call a VERY tired little girl! She has been getting up at
6 during the week because I have to drop her off at Mrs. Robyn's on my
way to work. She takes a good nap during the day, but this is hard on her
because she likes to sleep until 9 or 10 in the morning!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Growing up and helping out!

Looks like little lady has been watchin' momma! So cute!

Lil'B now knows how to wave hi and bye....just don't ask her to do it on demand.

Can you find the baby?

Ah yes, to much playing : )